Corporate Marketing Package

Reach your target audience and deliver your business message efficiently

Our corporate marketing packages offer a range of exciting opportunities to help you enhance your brand and connect with your target audience. Our package includes app branding, push notifications, networking events, newsletter features, and even the chance to play golf around the UK.

By advertising on our popular Golf GPS App, you can ensure that your brand is visible and memorable to golfers, key decision makers, business owners and affluent individuals. We can help you to stand out in a crowded market. You can also send push notifications to all of our members and guests, keeping them up-to-date with your latest news, promotions, and services.


Our networking events both online and face to face provide a fantastic opportunity for you to connect with other like-minded professionals and grow your business. We organise regular events across the UK, where you can meet new contacts, suppliers and partners to help grow sales and revenue. These events increase your visibility and brand awareness whilst giving you helpful market insights from fellow business owners.


Our newsletter feature is another powerful tool for reaching thousands of potential customers and golf clubs directly. We can help you create engaging content to insert into our newsletters to promote your business.


And if you’re looking for a fun and memorable way to connect with your customers, why not join us for a round of golf? Our golf events take place at some of the most picturesque courses around the UK, providing the perfect backdrop for some quality networking.


So whether you’re looking to build your brand, connect with new customers, or simply have some fun, our Corporate Marketing Package has something for everyone. Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve your business goals.

We offer a wide array of services aimed at targeting your audience

Golf Venues
Business Club Events
Push Notifications
Social Media Campaigns
Digital Screens
Artwork Packages
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